5 bed problems that may be disrupting your sleep (and how to fix them)

5 bed problems that may be disrupting your sleep (and how to fix them)

Your bed is probably the most important item of furniture in your home. It's there for you when you're tired in the evening, it's there for you when you wake up and get ready to face the day, and it's probably the place where you snuggle up when you're feeling under the weather. All in all, your bed is pretty much your best — and comfiest — friend.

But, what if your bed wasn't providing you with the level of comfort it's supposed to? What if it was actually hindering your sleep, rather than helping? Well, if you've been experiencing a poor quality of rest recently, it could be that your bed is to blame.

With this in mind, we've listed five common bed problems below that can disrupt your sleep, as well as sharing how you can fix these issues. Read on to find out more.

Your bed is not supportive

Do you feel your bed is unsupportive? This problem usually begins and ends with your mattress, which should bear your body weight in a comfortable position, so you wake up feeling relaxed and refreshed. It's often the case that you've chosen a type of mattress that doesn't suit your sleeping needs and trying out a different one can alleviate your painful mornings and provide better rest.

For instance, memory foam mattresses are well regarded for their ability to deliver personalised support that takes the pressure off key points of your body, so they can deliver exceptional comfort. On the other hand, the feel of memory foam is not for everyone, so you may be better off with a quality pocket sprung or latex mattress.

For those that want the best of both worlds, a hybrid mattress might be a good choice as it combines the technology of springs and foam to give a balanced feel. There's also the option of adding a memory foam topper to your current bed to add an extra level of support, which might be enough to give your sleep the comfort it needs.

Your bed is the wrong size

Another issue that you may be experiencing is the feeling that your bed is too cramped to get comfy. This is a fairly common issue for those who are quite tall or heavy, as well as those who share a bed with their partner, where there isn't enough room for you (or both of you) to relax.

Finding the right size can be tricky. For instance, a single mattress is usually only designed for a solo, average-sized sleeper. Most have a length of around 190 cm, which means if you're fairly tall, you're not going to have a lot of space to get comfortable. Even if you upgrade to a small double or double mattress, the length doesn't tend to increase an awful lot, just the width, so a tall person will need to look at a bigger size, usually a king or super king mattress.

If you need extra advice, be sure to read our bed size guide, which will walk you through the process of finding the right dimensions for you.

Your bed is too firm or too soft

Along with the type and size of your bed, you may also run into a bad night's sleep should you have a mattress that is too firm or too soft. The firmness of your mattress plays a big part in how your body is supported, so it's essential that you choose one that feels comfy and doesn't leave you aching.

As we explore in our mattress firmness guide, there's also a line of thought that you should choose a soft or firm model based on what type of sleeper you are. For example, a side sleeper, who puts the weight of their body on their shoulders and hips, are generally recommended to invest in a medium/soft or medium mattress that will provide more cushioning for better spine alignment.

On the other hand, front sleepers could benefit from a firmer mattress that doesn't allow your core to sink in too much and cause spinal discomfort. Finally, people who sleep on their backs have a wider choice, with medium/soft, medium, or medium/firm models to choose from depending on personal taste.

Your bed is too warm or cold

Being too warm or too cold at night is another bed problem that may be keeping you up at night. As long as you're able to rule out external factors, such as a heatwave or leaving the heating off, it may be the case that your bed is set up to keep you too hot or cool.

Firstly, you'll need to check the tog rating of your duvet, because having too high a rating will be making you over insulated and too low will be allowing too much heat to escape. A 4.5 tog duvet is considered to be about right for summer and a 13.5 tog duvet appropriate for colder months. A 7.5 tog duvet sits in the middle of the two to offer a compromise. Take a look at our duvet tog guide for even more information about these ratings.

You may also find that your mattress is contributing to your bed's uncomfortable temperature. For example, memory foam typically retains heat more than other types of mattress, which some people find makes their bed too hot. If this is the case, you may wish to consider a product like Dormeo's Octaspring range, which combines foam with a spring-like design for better breathability, still allowing you to benefit from the superior comfort of memory foam.

Your bed is too old

Unfortunately, it's a simple fact of life that the older your mattress gets, the less support that it will give you, to the point where it becomes uncomfortable. So, if your current model is a few years old, it may be time to replace it with a new one — the guys from bedadvice.co.uk recommend that you upgrade every seven years, as this is when most mattresses will begin to show their age.

If you're looking to invest in something with great longevity this time around, it's definitely worth considering a memory foam mattress, as they have a lifespan of around 10–20 years. This is longer than a traditional sprung model, as they don't have springs that become compacted over time and the foam has a natural ability to return to its original shape once you're up and about.

If you have any questions about these bed problems or would like advice about upgrading, get in touch. And, keep an eye on our blog and sleep advice centre for more great sleep tips.

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