6 Signs You're Not Sleeping Well

6 Signs You're Not Sleeping Well

We all know that not getting enough sleep isn’t good for us and that a bad night will likely mean a day of scratchy eyes, low mood and a fuzzy head but there are other, less well known signs that your sleep is perhaps not as good quality as you may think. Here are some of the stranger things to watch out for.

 1. Your Eyes Don’t Work

If your sleep has been suffering recently, you may well be suffering from eye strain which can cause blurry vision and swollen, itchy or sore, watery, sensitive eyes. It's not usually serious if it only happens occasionally and usually calms down after a nap or a shot of caffeine.

If your lack of sleep becomes a habit however, you’ll start to find it doesn’t calm down quite so easily. That’s because tiredness affects the eye muscles and specifically, the muscles that helps the eye to focus and the one that allows the eyes to move together. If this muscle isn’t working well, you may even experience double vision which can be quite scary.

2. You’re Clumsy

Put simply, this is because tired people can’t function as well. We all have the occasional day when nothing appears to go right. You spill your coffee, trip over the cat, forget where you put your keys and drive so badly you wonder you ever had the co-ordination to manage it properly. On these days, it’s worth considering how you slept the night before. When we need sleep, our reflexes are dulled, reaction times are slower and our balance and depth perception are off. In other words, you’re quite possibly an accident waiting to happen.

3. You Keep Getting Sick

Thanks to a study conducted in 2009, there’s no doubt that a lack of good quality sleep suppresses the immune system. The study found that people who slept less than 7 hours each night were three times more likely to catch a cold than those who slept more. Put the vitamin C away and go to bed early instead.

4. Everyone Gets On Your Nerves

As any new parent can tell you, sleep deprivation directly affects your mood and when you’re tired the world and everyone in it are, quite simply, annoying! Don’t worry though, this isn’t a long term problem (unless you are a new parent); a good sleep will put things back into perspective again.

5. You Can’t Stop Snacking

If your brain isn’t getting the energy it needs from sleep, it may try to get it from food. Lack of sleep stimulates the production of ghrelin, a hormone that makes you crave all things fatty and sugary and leptin, the hormone that tells your body it’s full. If you’re constantly visiting the fridge, it’s worth considering a change in your sleeping habits.

6. Shall I or Shan’t I?

If you aren't getting enough sleep, you’ll probably find you can’t make a decision to save your life. This is linked to the reaction time issue noted above but doesn’t just affect us physically. Poor sleep hinders our ability to make quick decisions and the resulting mental lethargy can make us feel frustrated and frankly, a bit useless. Maybe an early night is in order, after all…

Of course it’s hard to get a good night's sleep if your mattress isn’t in tip-top shape. Dormeo can help eliminate the most common causes of a lack of sleep but don’t just take our word for it. All our mattresses, whether from our bestselling Memory Range or from our luxury Octaspring range, are available in Single, Double, King and Super King sizes and come with our 15 year warranty and our 60 night Comfort Guarantee. We are that sure that you will experience the best sleep that if you don’t agree within the 60 day trial period, we'll happily refund you the cost of the mattress with our ‘No Quibble Refund’.

If you have any questions or queries, we are on hand any time to answer them, free, on 0800 625 0134.


ElaineElaine December 29, 2016 at 18:59

Do you get 2 pillows with the king size octaspring topper



Lucy CattenLucy Catten December 30, 2016 at 16:03

Hi Elaine. Give us a call on 0800 625 0134 and we can talk you through our latest offers.


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