Power Nap Day Tips

Power Nap Day Tips

At long last, we have made it to the first annual National Power Nap Day.

7th September 2015 marks a day when office workers around the UK will bow their heads down on their desks in the name of productivity. To help get the most effective power nap, here are a handful of our tips to bear in mind:

1. Drink a cup of coffee beforehand.

As strange as it may sound, the caffeine in coffee comes in handy when it comes to power naps, because of how long they take to kick in. Having a cup right beforehand will give you 20 minutes of rest before you perk up, and its effects take place, helping you to wake up easier. 

2. Set an alarm. 

Linked with the previous tip, setting an alarm can mean your sleep is efficient as possible. Many choose not to nap for the reason that they believe they will overdo it. Having that safety measure ensures that you won’t sleep for longer than you need to. 

3. Find a quiet space.

It goes without saying, but having a comfortable sleeping environment will enable you to doze off quicker. If you can, find a place away from the main hustle and bustle of your workspace, and you may find it that bit easier to get your 40 winks. 

4. Nap when you are tired. 

Obviously this doesn’t mean at 9:15am, when you’re still feeling drowsy from a poor night’s sleep. However, once you have had your lunch, and you feel as though you are heading towards the common 3pm Slump, go with it. Take a 20 minute break, nap it off, and get back to action when you’re done. Don’t leave it too late though. If you have a 9am-5pm working day, a nap after 4 o’clock is likely to disturb your sleeping patterning in the evening. 

5. Get permission. 

While it is National Power Nap Day, make sure you let your boss know that you may have your head on the desk at 3.30pm for a reason. Tell your other work colleagues about the benefits (or send them our video), and look forward to a more productive day of work.  

Remember to tweet us @DormeoUK and #PowerNapDay if you’re snoozing with us too.

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